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4.8 ( 7248 ratings )
İş Fotoğraf ve Video
Geliştirici: Daniel Podaru

Find startup jobs and join a team using Playwork!

Startup founders pitch their job offers in video.
See videos of job offers from startups, the founders, the team, and what is the role about.
Apply to jobs you like by recording a short video.


Browse: Discover startup jobs through videos recorded by the startup founders. See their current team and workplace.

Search: Audio search engine based on Artificial Intelligence. Search by keywords pronounced in the video.

Bookmarks: Found a job you like, bookmark it and apply when ready.

Apply: Use our video recorder to apply to any job you like. Its easy, fast and you can restart as many times as you want. Thats all, no resumes, no motivation letters, no chat.

Startups receive videos from candidates and contact them directly.

Are you a startup looking to hire with Playwork ?
Get in touch here: